Our Chalet Truck Camper

Our Chalet Truck Camper

Monday, February 01, 2010

Truck Camper Magazine article - Ladie's Week

Is this fun or what? Our adventures in the camper are the first of the Woman's Month articles for Truck Camper Magazine. This is an online magazine with articles on trucks, campers, places to go, people, manufacturers, all associated with truck camping. You can read the article here - href="http://tinyurl.com/ykeo8kq and all of the magazine here - http://www.truckcampermagazine.com/

Gordon and Angela White are the editors/owners of the magazine. Joe and I had a great time talking to them at the fall Carlisle TC rally last year. Angela followed up with an hour long phone interview and I sent her a disk full of photos. Thanks Angela and Gordon! I hope the article helps other women become more at ease with driving and operating their campers.

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