Our Chalet Truck Camper

Our Chalet Truck Camper

Monday, November 09, 2009

Recompence weekend campout in Maine

Three hours of steady work got the TC back on the truck and ready to go over to Recompence Campground at Wolfe Neck Farm in Freeport for an impromptue weekend TC gathering. Joe's leg has improved greatly but not enough to let him go for the whole weekend. I needed a restful time in the camper so we figured I'd camp and he'd visit.

Eleven hearty New England TCs showed up for a glorious fall weekend in Maine. Friday was cold, windy but sunny for the most part. We got the fire going early on and, with various adult beverages, managed to stay warm.

This year the ground was muddy but not ankle deep as it has been before. No one sank out of sight and had to be pulled out though Paul said his was starting to list to the side. The cattle are no longer on the farm so we had no wide eyed calves mooing at us from the fence line.

Mikeeee brought his 10x20 tent which was set up as a gathering place and a wind break. As usual we shared a lot of good food and chat about places to go and see.

I took the women up to Bath for a yarn store trip and lunch at Kennebeck Tavern on the Kennebec River. Somehow we never all made a LL Bean trip this year but managed a few crafts shops and a lot of chatter. Relaxing weekend mostly spent around the fire.

Had our usual group breakfast on Sunday which the men cooked. Too short a time but so good to be back in the TC. Unfortunately our propane furnace failed so I did end up back at the house Saturday night to sleep. Too old to enjoy a 40F degree night? Yes! Mike's torn the gas heater unit apart and we're ordering parts today. Sure is nice to know someone so knowledgeable on the inner workings of all kinds of HVAC equipment.

Tempted to leave the TC on the truck awhile longer. Who knows if there is another weekend left to the year before the deep snows arrive.